Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) remained as the guide and the sole leader of the Muslims all over the world.

Never-the-less, this verse 3: 144 asserts that he is only a Messenger and he is not God.

This verse impressively asserts that- if Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) dies Muslims should not return their previous path; one should remain in this religion fearing the punishments of Allah and expecting the reward from him and does not remain in this religion for the sake of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) alone.

Though this verse was bestowed to highlight the above view, certain people contend that if we think deeply then we understand that the idea projected in this verse stands as a proof for the death of Isa (pbuh).

Their contention is that all Messengers including Prophet Isa (pbuh) have died.

They say that their assumption is further reinforced since Allah proclaimed, by setting example of the demise of all the previous Prophets (pbut), that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also would die.

When Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) died, most of his companions refused to believe that. At that time Abu Bakr (RA) was able to convince such companions of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by citing this verse only.

This historical event has recorded in Bukhari (1242, 3670, 4454) and in many other Hadith books.

They are making use of those Hadith also to reinforce their contention.

They further argue that if Prophet Isa (pbuh) had not died the companions of Prophet would not have accepted the explanation of Abu Bakr (RA). They would have argued and asked Abu Bakr (RA) why Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) could not remain immortal as Prophet Isa (pbuh) has been remaining immortal.

Those who do not approach Quran in the manner in which one should approach Quran only could argue like this.

To conclude any matter abruptly with the help of only one verse wherein that matter has been said, is not the way for approaching Quran.

One must peruse whether there is any additional interpretation regarding that matter in other verses or whether there is any exemption for that matter in any other verses.

The proper way to approach Quran is to arrive at a decision after coordinating all the related verses regarding that matter, which is found in the various chapters of Quran.

In several chapters exemptions have been given for certain common statements mentioned in several verses. It is the unique style of Quran.

'Those who haven't understood the style of Quran only would contend that in this verse (3: 144) itself it has not been said 'excluding Prophet Isa (pbuh).

They contend like this only because they haven't regarded that exemption has been given to Prophet Isa (pbuh) in other chapters, though the verse, “Messengers (pbuh) who preceded Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had passed away” may include Prophet Isa (pbuh) also.

"And he (Isa (pbuh), son of Mary) will be a known sign for the coming of the Hour (Day of Resurrection) …. "

(Quran 43: 61)

"There is not even one among the people of the Book but will not believe in him before his death…. . "

(Quran 4: 159)

Both these verses make it clear that Isa (pbuh) has not died. So we have to correlate the above two verses with these verse, “Messengers who preceded him had passed away” then conclude that "all other messengers except Prophet Isa (pbuh) had passed away before him".

When we conclude like this we do not reject any verse.

We only hold the view that which would be derived if all the verses were combined.

Apart from these two verses (4:61, 4:159) there is one another verse which stands as an evidence that 'Isa (pbuh) has not passed away'.

"The Masseeh, son of Maryam (pbuh), was none other than a Messenger; Messenger (the like of whom) had passed away before him. And they both used to eat (earthly) food. See how we make the revelations clear for them, and see how they are turned away. (Quran 5:75)

We know that in the Quranic verse 3:144 it has been said, specifying Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that, Messengers who preceded him had passed away. This verse 3:144 also reveals the same view regarding Prophet Isa (pbuh) like-wise.

If we peruse this verse 5:750 it will be clearly known that Isa (pbuh) has not passed away.

For argument sake let us suppose that Isa (pbuh) had passed away when this verse (5:75) was bestowed. Then, how those people who assumed Isa (pbuh) as God, should be objected?

The proper answer would be that Isa (pbuh) was only a Messenger; but he too had passed away. If Prophet Isa (pbuh) had really passed away it would have been the proper situation to reveal that because the idea that how can anybody consider a dead person God, is included in it.

Did you notice the words which Allah had used when he was objecting to those who assumed Isa (pbuh) as God?

Allah says "Isa (pbuh) was only a Messenger. All messengers who preceded him had passed away". Allah is all knowing and wise. He is the pure (free from all weaknesses) intelligent and would not use irrelevant words. If Prophet Isa (pbuh) had passed away the above Quranic verse would suggest that Allah did not say anything relevantly.

When Isa (pbuh) himself had passed away, would any sensible person say, without mentioning that Isa (pbuh) was dead, who preceded him had passed away.

Allah denies the divinity of Isa (pbuh) by mentioning that he was eating (while he was alive on the earth), after he has uttered 'all messengers who preceded him had passed away. If Isa (pbuh) had passed away certainly Allah would have shown it (the death of Isa (pbuh)) as a reason and denied the divinity of Isa (pbuh).

When the Quranic verse said, ‘Messengers who preceded the Prophet had passed away’ we understand that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was alive.

Similarly we must understand that ‘Isa (pbuh) was alive’ when the Quranic verse said, ‘Messenger who preceded Isa (pbuh) had passed away’.

It is not appropriate to assume different interpretations for two verses when both of them have the same context.

It is not proper for them to show as an evidence of the behavior of the companions of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) when he died.

It is only the companions of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had revealed several Hadith which assured that Isa (pbuh) would come. The companions of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also had known the Quranic verses 43:61 and 4:159. They had undoubtedly known that there had been exemption for Prophet Isa (pbuh).

They contended as ‘Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had not passed away’ only because they believed that there would be similar exemption for Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also. But they had changed their attitude after they came to know through Abu Bakr (RA) that there was no exemption for Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

No one would use the very common exemptions that everybody knows as evidence while speaking.

Hence this verse never said about the demise of Prophet Isa (pbuh). It would be proper if we understand that similar verse 5:75 only revealed the exemption that Prophet Isa (pbuh) has not yet passed away.

(Refer Quran 3:144, 5:75)

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