Certain scholars have understood literally the Quranic verse 2:54, where Musa (pbuh) commands his people to commit suicide. They say that Prophet Musa (pbuh) commanded them thus, when he was enraged to find them worshipping the idol of the calf. Seeing his community turned against monotheism, Prophet Musa (pbuh) became very angry. His anger was such that he even threw down the tablets (Book) which he was holding in his hand and he even dragged and hit Harun (pbuh), his brother cum Prophet.

Under such circumstances, the human tendency is to say ‘get lost’ if they got angry towards any person. It does mean that they actually intend the ‘death’ of those persons on whom they are angry. Such words are uttered only out of resentment and are said as an expression and exposure of anger.

Certain people say that the words of Musa (pbuh) -‘commit suicide’- also must be understood in the same sense. This view only is found to be reasonable. It is because no Prophet would have commanded the people to commit suicide.

The Quranic verse (2:56) following the above verse 2:54, says that Allah raised them, after death. This denotes that they did not commit suicide. It is understood from the Quranic verses that Allah seized them with thunder bolt when they annoyed Musa (pbuh) to show them Allah directly. It should be understood contextually and their end was due to the thunder bolt only.

Moreover the Quranic verse says that they were first struck with thunderbolt for they asked Musa (pbuh) to show them Allah and only after that they worshipped the idol of the calf.

It is confirmed that the incident of thunderbolt occurred first. The idol of the calf was worshipped by them later.

The above verses should be understood only thus.

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